"Terraform Interview Essentials: Navigating Infrastructure Automation and Deployment"

"Terraform Interview Essentials: Navigating Infrastructure Automation and Deployment"


11 min read

Introduction to Terraform:

Terraform stands as a powerful Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) tool in the realm of cloud computing. It empowers users to define and manage infrastructure resources through code, enabling consistent and repeatable deployment across various cloud providers. With its declarative syntax and wide provider support, Terraform streamlines the provisioning, scaling, and management of cloud resources, minimizing manual configuration and fostering agility in the modern technology landscape.

1- What is Terraform?

Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It codifies infrastructure as declarative configuration files that can be managed by version control tools.

Terraform is now a proprietary software, licensed under the Business Source License (BSL). This means that it is no longer free to use or modify. However, HashiCorp does offer a free community edition of Terraform that can be used for personal and non-commercial use.

The BSL license gives HashiCorp more control over the development and distribution of Terraform. This is likely to make it more difficult for third-party developers to contribute to Terraform and for users to modify Terraform for their own needs.

However, HashiCorp has stated that the BSL license will not affect the open-source community around Terraform. The Terraform community will continue to be able to contribute to the development of Terraform and to create and share Terraform modules.

The future of Terraform is uncertain. It is possible that the move to the BSL license will make Terraform less popular. However, it is also possible that the BSL license will help to ensure the long-term sustainability of Terraform. Only time will tell how the move to the BSL will affect Terraform.

2- What are the benefits of using Terraform?

Terraform offers a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Infrastructure as code: Terraform allows you to manage your infrastructure using code. This makes it easier to manage your infrastructure, and it also makes it easier to make changes to your infrastructure.

  • Version control: Terraform uses version control to track changes to your infrastructure. This makes it easy to roll back changes if something goes wrong.

  • Reliability: Terraform is a reliable tool. It has been used to manage infrastructure for many large organizations.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Terraform is a cost-effective tool. It can help you to save money on your infrastructure costs.

  • Portability: Terraform is a portable tool. It can be used to manage infrastructure in a variety of cloud providers.

3- What are the different types of resources that Terraform can manage?

Terraform can manage a wide range of resources, including:

  • Compute resources: Terraform can manage EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and other compute resources.

  • Storage resources: Terraform can manage S3 buckets, EBS volumes, and other storage resources.

  • Database resources: Terraform can manage RDS instances, DynamoDB tables, and other database resources.

  • Networking resources: Terraform can manage VPCs, subnets, and other networking resources.

  • Other resources: Terraform can also manage a variety of other resources, such as Kubernetes clusters and Azure resources.

4- What are some of the best practices for using Terraform?

Some of the best practices for using Terraform include:

  • Use modules: Modules are reusable blocks of code that can be used to create different types of infrastructure.

  • Use variables: Variables can be used to make your Terraform configuration more flexible.

  • Use plans: Plans can be used to preview changes to your infrastructure before you apply them.

  • Use remote state: Remote state can be used to store your Terraform configuration in a central location.

  • Use a version control system: Use a version control system to track changes to your Terraform configuration.

5- What are some of the challenges of using Terraform?

Some of the challenges of using Terraform include:

  • Learning curve: Terraform has a steep learning curve. It can be difficult to learn how to use Terraform effectively.

  • Complexity: Terraform can be complex to use. It is important to understand the concepts of infrastructure as code before you use Terraform.

  • Cost: Terraform can be expensive to use. It is important to choose the right resources for your needs.

  • Security: Terraform can be used to create insecure infrastructure. It is important to implement security best practices when using Terraform.

6- What is Terraform and how is it different from other IaaC tools?

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It codifies infrastructure as declarative configuration files that can be managed by version control tools.

Terraform is different from other IaC tools in a few ways:

  • It is a multi-cloud tool, meaning that it can be used to manage infrastructure in a variety of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

  • It is a declarative tool, meaning that you define the desired state of your infrastructure, and Terraform will take care of the rest.

  • It is a flexible tool, meaning that you can use it to manage a wide range of resources, including compute, storage, networking, and databases.

7- Calling a main.tf Module:

In Terraform, the main configuration file is typically named main.tf. To call a module defined in main.tf, you would reference it using the module block. For example:

module "my_module" {
  source = "./main.tf"

The source attribute specifies the path to the main.tf module.

8- What exactly is Sentinel? Can you provide a few examples that we can use for Sentinel policies?

Sentinel is a security policy as a code engine for AWS. It allows you to define security policies in declarative language, and then enforce those policies using Terraform.

Sentinel policies can be used to enforce a wide range of security controls, including:

  • Access control

  • Data encryption

  • Network security

  • Compliance

Here are a few examples of where you can use Sentinel policies:

  • To restrict access to sensitive data, you can create a policy that only allows authorized users to access the data.

  • To encrypt data at rest, you can create a policy that requires all data to be encrypted before it is stored.

  • To prevent unauthorized access to your network, you can create a policy that blocks traffic from unauthorized sources.

  • To ensure that your organization is compliant with regulations, you can create policies that enforce the requirements of those regulations.

Sentinel policies are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the security of your AWS environment.

9- You have a Terraform configuration file that defines an infrastructure deployment. However, there are multiple instances of the same resource that need to be created. How would you modify the configuration file to achieve this?

To create multiple instances of the same resource in a Terraform configuration file, you can use the count keyword. For example, the following code creates two instances of an EC2 instance:

resource "aws_instance" "my_instance" {
  count = 2
  ami = "ami-0123456789abcdef0"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

The count attribute specifies the number of instances to create. In this case, two instances will be created.

You can also use the for_each keyword to create multiple instances of a resource based on a list of values. For example, the following code creates two instances of an EC2 instance, one for each region in AWS:

resource "aws_instance" "my_instance" {
  for_each = ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"]
  ami = "ami-0123456789abcdef0"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

The for_each attribute specifies a list of values. In this case, the list contains the two regions in AWS.

10- You want to know from which paths Terraform is loading providers referenced in your Terraform configuration (*.tf files). You need to enable debug messages to find this out. Which of the following would achieve this?

A. Set the environment variable TF_LOG=TRACE

B. Set verbose logging for each provider in your Terraform configuration

C. Set the environment variable TF_VAR_log=TRACE

D. Set the environment variable TF_LOG_PATH

The correct answer is A. Set the environment variable TF_LOG=TRACE.

The TF_LOG environment variable specifies the level of logging for Terraform. The value TRACE will enable debug messages.

The other options are incorrect:

  • B. Set verbose logging for each provider in your Terraform configuration will only enable verbose logging for the providers that are explicitly mentioned in the configuration file.

  • C. Set the environment variable TF_VAR_log=TRACE is not a valid environment variable.

  • D. Set the environment variable TF_LOG_PATH specifies the path to the Terraform log file.

11- Below command will destroy everything that is being created in the infrastructure. Tell us how would you save any particular resource while destroying the complete infrastructure.

terraform destroy

The terraform destroy command will destroy all of the resources that are created by Terraform. To save any particular resource while destroying the complete infrastructure, you can use the -target flag to specify the resource that you want to save. For example, the following command will destroy all of the resources, except for the EC2 instance named my_instance:

terraform destroy -target=aws_instance.my_instance

12- Which module is used to store the .tfstate file in S3?

The terraform-s3-backend module is used to store the .tfstate file in S3. The .tfstate file is a file that contains the state of your infrastructure. It is used by Terraform to track changes to your infrastructure and to apply those changes.

To use the terraform-s3-backend module, you need to add it to your Terraform configuration file. The following code shows how to do this:

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "my-terraform-state-bucket"
    region = "us-east-1"

The bucket attribute specifies the name of the S3 bucket that will store the .tfstate file. The region attribute specifies the region of the S3 bucket.

13- How do you manage sensitive data in Terraform, such as API keys or passwords?

To manage sensitive data in Terraform, such as API keys or passwords, you can follow these best practices:

  • Use environment variables or external variables to provide sensitive information at runtime.

  • Utilize Terraform's built-in data sources or modules for retrieving sensitive information from a secret management service.

  • Store sensitive values in a separate .tfvars file and use .gitignore to exclude it from version control.

  • Leverage third-party tools like HashiCorp Vault to manage and distribute secrets securely.

  • Consider using remote state backends with encryption for protecting sensitive data stored in .tfstate files.

Practicing secure handling of sensitive data ensures that your infrastructure is both well-protected and compliant with security standards.

There are a few ways to manage sensitive data in Terraform, such as API keys or passwords. One way is to use the var. keyword to define variables in your Terraform configuration file. You can then encrypt the values of these variables using a tool like HashiCorp Vault.

Another way to manage sensitive data is to use the secret module. The secret module allows you to store sensitive data in a secure location, such as a HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.

Finally, you can also use the terraform-provider-aws module to store sensitive data in AWS Secrets Manager.

14- You are working on a Terraform project that needs to provision an S3 bucket, and a user with read and write access to the bucket. What resources would you use to accomplish this, and how would you configure them?

To provision an S3 bucket and a user with read and write access to the bucket, you would need to use the following resources:

aws_s3_bucket: This resource creates an S3 bucket.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "my-unique-bucket"

aws_iam_user: This resource creates an IAM user.

resource "aws_iam_user" "example" {
  name = "my-user"

aws_iam_policy: This resource creates a custom IAM policy defining the desired access permissions.

resource "aws_iam_policy" "bucket-access-policy" {
  name = "bucket-access-policy"

  policy = jsonencode({
    Version = "2012-10-17",
    Statement = [{
      Effect = "Allow",
      Action = ["s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject"],
      Resource = "${aws_s3_bucket.example.arn}/*",

aws_iam_user_policy_attachment: This resource attaches the policy to the IAM user.

resource "aws_iam_user_policy_attachment" "user-policy-attachment" {
  user       = aws_iam_user.example.name
  policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.bucket-access-policy.arn

This configuration creates an S3 bucket and an IAM user with read and write access to the bucket.

15- Who maintains Terraform providers?

The Terraform providers are maintained by the HashiCorp community. The HashiCorp community is a group of individuals who contribute to the development and maintenance of HashiCorp products, including Terraform.

The Terraform providers are open source projects, so anyone can contribute to their development. The HashiCorp team provides guidance and support to the community, but the community is responsible for the day-to-day development of the providers.

Terraform providers are maintained by their respective providers. For example, the AWS provider is maintained by Amazon Web Services, the Azure provider by Microsoft, and so on. These providers are responsible for updating and enhancing their Terraform provider plugins to align with their service offerings.

16- How can we export data from one module to another?

To export data from one module to another, you can use the export keyword. The export keyword allows you to export the value of a variable or the output of a resource to another module.

The following code shows how to export the name of an S3 bucket from one module to another:

module "my_bucket" {
  source = "./my_bucket"

  output "bucket_name" {
    value = aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket.bucket

module "my_other_module" {
  source = "./my_other_module"

  bucket_name = module.my_bucket.bucket_name

In this example, the my_bucket module creates an S3 bucket and exports the name of the bucket to the output variable bucket_name. The my_other_module module imports the bucket_name variable from the my_bucket module.

In this article, we've explored a range of Terraform interview questions that cover essential concepts and scenarios. Answering these questions provides insights into a candidate's understanding of Terraform's capabilities, best practices, and real-world applications. By grasping these concepts, interviewees can demonstrate their proficiency in using Terraform to provision and manage infrastructure efficiently and securely.