"Getting Started with AWS Networking: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating VPCs, Subnets, Internet Gateways, and EC2 Instances"
Step-1: Create VPC
Log in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to the VPC dashboard.
Click on "Your VPCs" and then click on the "Create VPC" button.
Enter a name and CIDR block for your VPC, and then click on "Create VPC".
Step-2: Next, create a subnet
By clicking on "Subnets" in the left-hand sidebar menu.
Click on "Create Subnet", select the VPC you just created, and then enter a name and CIDR block for your subnet.
Click on "Create Subnet" to create the subnet.
Step-3:Next, create an Internet Gateway
By clicking on "Internet Gateways" in the left-hand sidebar menu.
Click on "Create Internet Gateway",
Enter a name for your gateway, and then click on "Create Internet Gateway".
To attach your Internet Gateway to your VPC, select your Internet Gateway and then click on "Actions" -> "Attach to VPC".
Step-4:Launch Instance
Finally, launch an EC2 instance by clicking on "Launch Instance" in the EC2 dashboard.
Follow the steps to select the instance type, storage, security group, and key pair.
Select "Edit" in Network Settings. In the "Configure Instance Details" section, select the VPC you created and the subnet you created.
And launch Instance.
That's it! With this guide, you can easily create a VPC, subnet, Internet Gateway, attach VPC, and add subnet to launch EC2 instance in AWS, providing you with a basic setup for running and managing your cloud-based applications.
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