"Creating a Mini Project to Automatically Monitor Server Status with CronTabs"

"Creating a Mini Project to Automatically Monitor Server Status with CronTabs"


Script as follows:

  • echo -e "\n-----------------------WELCOME--------------------------------"

This command will print a line of text as output on the terminal. The -e flag enables the interpretation of backslash escapes.

  • echo -e "\nHi $(whoami) ! Welcome to the DevOps Journey\n"

This command will print a line of text along with the username of the user which is obtained by using command $(whoami).

  • echo "Current Date and Time is: $(date)"

This command will print the current date and time on the terminal which is obtained by using command $(date).

  • echo -e "\n The uptime of the server is $(uptime) \n Last Login Details :\n$(last -a | head -3)\n "

This command will print the uptime of the server and the last login details on the terminal which is obtained by using command substitution $(uptime) and $(last -a | head -3).

  • echo "Disk Space available:" && df -H | xargs | awk '{ print $11 "/" $9 }'

The first part of this command, “echo “Disk Space available:” prints the text “Disk Space available:” to the terminal. The second part of this command, “df -H | xargs | awk ‘{ print $11 “/” $9 }’, is used to get the disk space available. df is a command used to show the amount of disk space available on the system. The -H option is used to display the sizes in a human-readable format. The output of the df command is piped to the xargs command, which is used to convert the output of the df command into separate arguments for the awk command. The awk command is then used to print the 11th and 9th arguments, which are the total size.

  • echo -e "\nRAM Utilization :": This command will print a string containing the words "RAM Utilization :" on the terminal.

  • free | xargs | awk '{print $13 "/" $8}': This command will use the free command to get a list of information about the RAM usage, and then pipe it to xargs and awk commands. xargs will convert the list into arguments and awk will print the 13th and 8th columns of the list, which contain the total and used RAM usage respectively.

  • echo -e "\nTop CPU processes:": This command will print a string containing the words "Top CPU processes:" on the terminal.

  • top | head -10: This command will use the top command to get a list of the top CPU processes and then pipe it to the head command, which will print the first 10 lines of the list.


Note: The output is executed by using the crontab function to automate the script. You can also directly run the script by just saving the file and executing the file in the working directory. I used crontab as an experiment to learn.

1 - /1 * * * * - This is the cron schedule that specifies when the command should be run. The asterisk in each position means that the command should be run every minute, every hour, every day of the month, every month, and every day of the week.

2 - bash /home/ubuntu/practice/server_status.sh - This is the command that will be run by the cron job. It calls the Bash interpreter to execute the server_status.sh script located in the /home/ubuntu/practice/ directory.

3 - >> /home/ubuntu/server_details.txt - This redirects the output of the server_status.sh script to the server_details.txt file located in the /home/ubuntu/ directory. The double arrow (>>) appends the output to the end of the file rather than overwriting it.


1 - As the crontab executes the command a .txt file will be created in the home directory by the file name given in the crontab command.

2 - As the server_details.txt file was created you can check the file by using the cat command. And the result will be shown in the below image.

cat server_details.txt

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